Tag Archives: novels

TTT: Books I Enjoyed That Are Outside of My Comfort Zone

This TTT, brought to you via inspiration from That Artsy Reader Girl, is books that were surprisingly enjoyable. These are books from genres not normally drawn to or on subjects or premises that don’t generally entice. I have, for most of my literary leisure, turned to fantasy, science fiction, and anything crossing the lines between both. I also read self-help, inspirational, and biographical books as well as non-fiction, science, and historical non-fiction.

I have generally avoided horrors, thrillers, and dark mysteries. When it comes to mysteries I’m a fan of following the clues and guessing about whodunnit, but I prefer them to be lighter and more focused on the hunt that the threat of hunter or the focus on the brutality of the victims’ demise. I thoroughly enjoyed Agatha Christie novels when I was younger, in case you’re looking for a reference for what I consider “light mystery”. I took a leap and tried some darker novels in the horror, thriller, and mystery categories and I’ve surprising loved it. I am a officially a thrills, chills, and kills reader!
(Three favorites from this subset pictured below.)

Another genre I have a history of disliking is literary fiction, which for me includes women’s fiction and family saga. I just had trouble reading about the lives of normal people going through unremarkable struggles and connecting to them. I’m not sure if it’s a maturity thing, and age thing, or a “stage-in-my-life” thing but I’ve begun to really enjoy more literary fiction.
(Five favorites from this subset picture below)

I know, TTT, the middle “T” stands for ten… but I just started branching out into these genres, and before GoodReads I did a terrible job of tracking my books read so I don’t even know all of the books I’ve ever read. I’m sure I could fudge two more, but neither of us wants that, right?

Please please please comment with recommendations for me, I always have room on my TBR list! Thanks for stopping by ❤

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