Tag Archives: Update

Is My New Chore List Working

Short anser, yes, it is.

It’s all fine and dandy to say “here’s a cleaning schedule” or “here’s how I plan to tackle”. I did post the intention in October, and now I am backing it up with how it’s actually been going.

Here’s a link to the original post to be able to see the full explanation of the chores list.

I use the following to make sure things are getting done every day/week. Having a list of monthly chores helps me make sure the less-frequently needed tasks get done.
I treat these like checklists and move things around if I need to.

I am doing chores more regularly.
I used to be so overwhelmed by what needed to be done; now that I’ve done so much I’m less overwhelmed, and having a list helps me narrow done tasks and not be so intimidated. Having a routine has also helped immensely; I’m a creature of habit and I’m much more motivated now that it’s cyclical rather than randomly trying to make time for and do tasks.

I recommend this, tailored to your house, because it’s definitely been working for me.

Have a question? Want a link to any of these spreadsheets? Have a recommendation to further improve this process? How do you keep your home clean?

*If you enjoyed any part of this post, please consider liking it. If you loved it, please consider following me on WordPress. I also love comments including questions, advice, or a review of the post itself. Thank you for reading and best of luck in your adventures.*

Quarterly Check-In

This quarter-year has been a whirlwind.

First, the bad news. Two of our guinea pigs passed away – Zucchini and Jasper. The other two guinea pigs, Onyx and Jumper, are older for cavies and we know that their time could be up soon. Our cat has cancer and we are planning her end-of-life. The wedding is kind of falling apart; Cameron and I each have a best friend that can’t come and we’re heartbroken over it, and there’s some family drama that is putting a damper on the wedding, and it’s just a lot.

Now for the good stuff. My wedding dress, which I purchased in 2019 since the wedding was originally for 2020, is able to be altered to suit my 4-years-later body. Chowder is still pretty spry, even being on three legs since her surgery, and we have some time. We have two guinea pigs and we love them.

Cameron started a new job he’s really excited about. I started a new job with increased pay, a great work environment, and a work-life balance due to a convenient schedule. Thanks to this new work schedule, I’ve been able to go to the gym, read, and have a fulfilling social life.

Book club has been going well. We’ve been reading some great books, having decent turn-outs at events, and I find true gratification in planning and executing these events. I’m hosting our first Book Swap and am excitedly anticipating it.

House improvement is on hold as the wedding is the main time and financial priority, so no updates there.

That just about covers it. Let me know if you have any questions; I’m a fairly open book.

How’s your quarter gone? I hope more good than not.

*If you enjoyed any part of this post, please consider liking it. If you loved it, please consider following me on WordPress. I also love comments including questions, advice, or a review of the post itself. Thank you for reading and best of luck in your adventures.*