Tag Archives: improve


Life is hectic and sometimes we need to recenter. I like to use a mantra to bring my mind back to focus. I get overwheled or sidetracked so a few lines I can repeat to reset helps.

Here’s my worksheet with some mantras that I use as insperation, or actually use a line or two from. There’s also a free site on there so you can have a recording of a voice to listen to or speak along with. I like to listed to these in the car to set my mind for the situation. I type the mantra, copy and paste it 5-7 times, and then I just play it once or twice on the way to work. I think 0.8 speed is great, I also increase the time that the voice pauses between paragraphs so I’m not running one repetition into the other.

For work, I listen on the way, have this printed and posted to my computer screen, and I say it throughout the day when I know my head isn’t where it should be.

I am calm and patient.
I focus on the individual.
I listen and pause before responding.
I seek, accept, and complete tasks with grace.

My husband has a different set of priorities for chores than I do. I have ultimately decided to just accept that I need to do the things that I want done, because while he does chores they simply aren’t the ones I ask. The cycle of me asking, him doing something else, and me getting upset was putting a strain on our marriage. I have decided to stop asking him to do chores and it’s been working out. If there are chores to be done, I will listen to this one on the way home.

I am independently productive.
I am strong, smart, and self-supporting.
I successfully complete tasks and goals severally.

My husband and I are happy and we have a great marriage. We’ve had some med changes, and the above issue caused some tension for a while, so I’m just looking to refocus how I approach my husband and our marriage. I listen to this one when there’s not a particularly hefty task and I want my focus to be

I love my husband as he is.
I exhibit love through patience.
I am responsible for how I act and react.
My husband is physically and sexually attractive.

These are the mantras I use right now, but as my circumstances or the things I need to focus on change, I put together a new one. I try to avoid certain words, such as “don’t” “not”. instead of “I don’t get angy” I try “I keep my temper” or “I breathe before I respond”.

I hope this helps you to recenter, to make a mantra of your own, and to do whatever might work some positive changes in your life. No one, including me, is perfect and we all have room to grow and change.

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