Tag Archives: reddit

Reddit Threads that I Love

Reddit is an amazing place where real people get together, usually moderated for everyone’s protection. Questions and answers, help in specific or broad ways, and sometimes just cute or pretty pictures. You can find me on Reddit as u/alexag0509.

r/guineapigs – I get to ask questions about my cavis and also see pictures of other guinea parents.

r/miata – Seeing old school or suped up versions of my 2014 really fun; plus I get to read some technical Q&A.

r/birbs – Birds doing fun things

r/pornhubcomments – Hear me out, most of the time it’s actually good clean fun or positive; other times is dirty but not the way you’d think. The “this should be reported for nudity” ones make me laugh every time!

r/woooosh – Things going over people’s heads.

r/antiMLM – Have #BossBabes been “inviting” you to their “parties”, recruiting or selling to you from their “own” business, do huns try to tell you they make “tons” of money then show you a monthly check for $10-75? Go here. Get your laugh on, find some snarky remarks, and stay away from those not-quite-pyramid schemes.

r/minimalism – I’m not saying I’ll ever be a true minimalist, but this has made me realize how much excess I have and be able to find real ways to dial it back.

r/natureismetal – Amazing things in nature. From smaller animals destroying their would-be predators to beautiful insects, spiders, and bugs that will make you second guess the things that creep you out.

r/politics – I don’t know which news stories to trust so when I don’t want to turn to humans I know, I turn to Reddit. I read a headline, all kinds of comments, and get many sides and views of a single topic.

Got a hobby? There’s a thread for that! r/reading r/writing r/sewing…. and on and on and on!

*If you enjoyed any part of this post, please consider liking it. If you loved it, please consider following me on WordPress. I also love comments including questions, advice, or a review of the post itself. Thank you for reading and best of luck in your adventures.*

TTT: Bookish Discoveries of 2019

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and The Bookish June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week’s TTT is anything book related that was new for me last year.

1) TTT – Top Ten Tuesday. Being able to have a guided way to talk about my love of books has been really great. I love posting group reviews of books I’ve read or reflecting on my reading experience in general. I also love reading other bloggers’ TTTs. I have consistently added books to my TBRs and pulled books off TBRs based on reviews. Reading about other reading experiences and patterns has really opened me up to trying new genres and put reading back at the forefront of my priority.

2) GoodReads. For the same two reasons I love TTT. Having a place to post my reviews where I feel I’ll reach other readers as well as finding books that are new to me but loved by readers with similar tastes.

3) New Genres. I started reading Thrillers and Literary Fiction, both of which are new found loves for me.

4) Amazon First Reads. Free books,enough said. One of the deterrents to trying a new genre or different reading experience is money. Free books also increase reading volume without spending more.

5) Library. See the financial benefits above and add “being able to let the books choose me”. I love wandering around aimlessly in the library and feeling drawn to a book.

6) OverDrive. This app can be linked to a library card to check out ebooks. I hve yet to sue it but have heard good things.

7) Reddit. This app and website, as well as other websites, has helped me read more about subjects relevant to my work, life, or interests without necessarily having to find a book.

8) Reasons for Reading. I took a course on Crucial Conversations for work and plan to read How to Win Friends and Influence People again to improve my communication skills. I’m re-reading the Happiness Project and starting Healthy Habits Suck to put my health and happiness back at the top of my priorities list.

9) Writing. I have the outline for a book which I started (and need to devote some real time to). I also started keeping ideas for books as they happen in a little blue Rhodia notebook and then transferring and organizing them in my Google Drive.

10) Podcasts. I know they aren’t books, but they often inspire my writing or curiosity in a subject. After listening to The History Chicks I happened upon Gold Digger: The Remarkable Baby Doe Tabor and couldn’t not check it out from the library.

*If you enjoyed any part of this post, please consider liking it. If you loved it, please consider following me on WordPress. I also love comments including questions, advice, or a review of the post itself. Thank you for reading and best of luck in your adventures.*