Tag Archives: COVID19

WWBC – The Last Place I Traveled to And Why

Each Wednesday, Long and Short Reviews hosts a weekly “blog hop”. For more details on how to participate including a full list of topics for the year, please click here.

The last place I traveled to was Washing, DC to visit my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew.

It was a great trip! We went for a bike ride, to the park, and just hung out a bunch. I spent some really great quality time with all of them and loved getting a chance to really just hang with my nephew. We mostly see each other at family events so quality time is hard, especially with my nephew since he’s the only one under 18 in the family and everyone wants to give him attention.

I can’t wait for COVID to pass so that I can go again. I’m sure it will be a while so I might plan a road trip, flying is just too risky and I can’t bring those germs to them. Video chatting for now, but I’m itching to go back.

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COVID Crazies and Coping

Look, we’re all feeling the same things, I’m not gonna bring that all up just to bring us all down.

Here’s what I’m doing:

  • Podcasts while I work
    I use Pocket Casts web player and app
    • The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos
    • Unlocking Us by Brené Brown
    • Fierce by Joe Piazza via iHeartRadio and Tribeca Studios
    • Stuff You Should Know by Josh and Chuck via iHeartRadio
  • Taking Mindfulness breaks
    • 1 minute every, well, whenever I remember so usually every 4 hours or so, I take 3-5 reps of 5-9 second count breaths in and out. I have had days where my day was fine, I just ramped up in how busy I was that I was a frog in hot water:
      The boiling frog is a fable describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death.
      • Cameron came down and I was so disoriented that I, something I have been working on and is taking work and I am still far from even good at, recognized that my head was not on straight and I said, “I need some grounding”. It came out, like word vomit. I don’t even think either of us knew what I meant but then I said, “can we just look at each other and do some breathing” and he suggested, and we did, 3 reps of 7 seconds.
    • I also sometimes use the podcasts as a pause. I build a playlist that will last an hour or two and when it’s up I get a tine break in the form of building a new playlist. It usually only takes a few seconds wince I listen to longer podcast episodes but it’s still a break from work
  • Cutting myself some slack
    • No, not all of my laundry is put away
    • No, I am never caught up on dishes
    • No, I have not been hitting my exercise goals
    • And ALL of that is OKAY
  • Costco take-and-bake meals
    Because grocery shopping for all the things to season, etc., is more time than I want to spend in a store full of people
    Also, because I’m lazy, it’s money-smart, and so super yummy
    • Salmon, feeds 4-5, $20-$25, with dill and some fancy aioli butter
    • Chicken Tacos, feed 3-4, $20, just warm the chicken and it’s got all the fixins
    • Korean bibimbap, feeds 4, $20, cook stove-top and serve over rice
  • Candles.

*If you enjoyed any part of this post, please consider liking it. If you loved it, please consider following me on WordPress. I also love comments including questions, advice, or a review of the post itself. Thank you for reading and best of luck in your adventures.*

Quarterly Check-In

List format ❤

  1. COVID19
    -Personally, all of my family and household are well
  2. New job orientation tomorrow
  3. Staying on PRN at old job (see #1)
  4. Fixing my sleep/routine schedule (see #2)
  5. Wedding
    -Delaying save-the-dates ’til May
    -Everything else still on-the-mark
    -Feels for those who are having wedding day hardships (see #1)
  6. Reading more (books and articles and research papers)
    -Prep for new job
    -Books for fun
  7. Took over my book club
    -Made an FB page
    -Updated Meeetup
    -Delayed all events (see #1)
  8. Exercising
    -Stationary bike a few times a week
    -Cleaning (see #9)
  9. Spring Cleaning
    -Got rid of slightly more than half my stuff (4 garbage bags so far/ donations and trash)
    -Reorganized a little
    -Caught up on small sewing projects (minor holes, missing buttons, etc.)
    -Planning to start boxing things up
  10. Lease is up 8/1 (see #8-3)
    -We’ve got 5 places to consider for our next rent-venture

If you want more details on any budget, just ask.

How are you coping with COVID19, are your next steps and goals on hols at all because of it, and is there anything you could do right now to prep or improve?

*If you enjoyed any part of this post, please consider liking it. If you loved it, please consider following me on WordPress. I also love comments including questions, advice, or a review of the post itself. Thank you for reading and best of luck in your adventures.*

COVID19 and Me

Sorry I haven’t posted. I work in healthcare administration and am considered “essential staff”. We were short staffed so I worked six twelve hour shifts in a row, then I slept for two days.

Then Cameron and I both got “remote” orders and our desks were right next to each other (for gaming) but he’s in accounting and I take a lot of phone calls, and I’m loud so we had to reconfigure. We’re also super behind on chores and I’m starting to get some mean world syndrome and stir crazy and a whole bunch of other things that I know I’m not alone in.

But I am. I am alone. I miss my friends and going out. I was supposed to visit my mom and that was cancelled.

There’s so much uncertainty and it’s just a lot.

I’m lucky, because I’m in healthcare so I’m still working, but I’m worried for those who aren’t. I’m worried for the world’s economy, for U.S. economy, and for how long all of this might last.

I have hope that it will all be okay in the end, I just wish I knew when the end might be.

*If you enjoyed any part of this post, please consider liking it. If you loved it, please consider following me on WordPress. I also love comments including questions, advice, or a review of the post itself. Thank you for reading and best of luck in your adventures.*